The Paradox of Grief - Daily Bonus Resources

Each day’s LIVE event topic will have a bonus resource for you that you can download.

We’ll link to the new daily resources below, and you’ll get an email notification when each day’s resource becomes available.

Day 1: Turning Into The Storm

Turning Into The Storm is our supplementary resource to today’s live topic of The Many Faces of Grief.

It's a paradox to turn toward something we find uncomfortable and distressing. There's no real way out, only through.

Choose the best format for your downloadable below - choose from letter size or A4.

Day 2: How To Support (someone that’s grieving)

How To Support is our supplementary resource to today’s live topic of Facing The Loss of a Person, Pet, and Precious Others.

We want to support but we don't always know how. Here are a few suggestions.

Choose the best format for your downloadable below - choose from letter size or A4.

Day 3: Caring For The Caregiver

Caring For The Caregiver is our supplementary resource to today’s live topic of The Complexity of Caregiver Loss and Grief.

The caregiver world can feel lonely, yet there are millions of us. Let's connect with one another and share our strengths, solutions, and the shared emotions.

Choose the best format for your downloadable below - choose from letter size or A4.

Day 4: The Many Types of Loss and Grief

The Many Types of Loss and Grief is our supplementary resource to today’s live topic of Ambiguous, Anticipatory, and Secondary Grief (Lesser-known grief).

Loss and Grief go far beyond bereavement. We can feel loss and grief that go beyond a death and into daily life.

Choose the best format for your downloadable below - choose from letter size or A4.

Day 5: Grounding During Global Change

Grounding During Global Change is our supplementary resource to today’s live topic of Global Grief.

Awareness and actvities to support ourselves during this time of change.

Choose the best format for your downloadable below - choose from letter size or A4.