Family Caregiver Emergency Plan

Where I live today, the temperature is currently -8 F and feels like -29F. (For those on the Celsius scale, that’s -22/-33, respectively).

While I know this will pass, I also know that in 6 months, it can be just the opposite, with heat as a risk.

With every extreme weather event, my thoughts are drawn to how caregivers and their recipients manage floods, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, and more.

Sometimes we can create an evacuation plan or plan. At other times, we’re at the mercy of the elements.

I’m a believer in having some plan or foundation in place. Knowing the available resources and having back-up plans allows us to be response-able, versus reactive.

I’ve created a basic Family Caregiver Emergency Plan.

  • It’s designed as a checklist for you to download and use as a template to adapt to your circumstances.

  • I’ve left some blank spaces for your personal additions.

If you’ve encountered cases in the past or are worried for the future, let’s talk about how we can create a plan that lays a foundation that gives you and your care recipient confidence that you are prepared.

Click here to contact me and send me an email, and we’ll schedule a complimentary session to talk about your plan.

Click here for the file: Family Caregiver Emergency Plan Checklist


Caregiving can be a challenging time.
Grab my “Getting Your Docs In A Row” checklist to help you prepare to care.


    Care and Give are four-letter words.


    Did a phone call ever change your life? One changed mine.